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Museum of Science
Playing by the Rules: Fish, Fads, and Fireflies
 This permanent Museum exhibit introduces visitors to one of the newest fields of science: the study of complex systems. What is a "complex" system? A complex system has no central intelligence or leader; instead, patterns arise from interactions among its parts. The parts are thoroughly interdependent, so acting on a complex system "here" can affect things "over there" -- sometimes in surprising ways.
Including such things as traffic, trends, termite colonies, and the Internet, complex systems have always been present in our world.

Is Algae In Your Future?
Museum of Science visitors can be first to glimpse an intriguing new energy technology being developed now in Cambridge, MA.
Current Science & Technology Center 
Have you heard about it in the news? Learn about it at the Museum's spectacular new Current Science & Technology Center!

The Museum is open daily
(except Fridays) 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Every Friday 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m
Thanksgiving Christmas

Science Park
Boston, MA 02114
Advance Tickets:
Omni, Planetarium, Laser, Exhibit Halls, Brunch:

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